R Alberto Bernabeo
Abu Dhabi University, UAE
Title: Traditional and innovative methodologies (UAV-based) for the study of the dynamics of atmospheric aerosols
Biography: R Alberto Bernabeo
Measurements of near-surface gradients in trace gas and aerosol particle concentrations have been limited to studies conducted from fixed location towers or tethered balloons. Moreover, the third spatial coordinate (whatever the height or atmospheric thickness is considered) is usually neglected, leaving a significant gap in aerosol properties. Furthermore, taking measurements close to pollutant sources may not always be possible and it could be too dangerous or risky for manned aircraft to fly close to the ground. These reasons promote the use of small, lightweight UAVs for a range of applications, including atmospheric measurements. Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) offer new opportunities to air pollution and atmospheric studies. However, there are a number of critical design decisions which need to be taken in order to enable representative data collection, which are a function of UAV motion, propellers and principle/mechanisms of the probes to be mounted on them. The research will include at least a series of different tests: (1) evaluation of the air flow behavior of a multicopter, its downwash and upwash effect, by measuring air speed along three axes to determine the location where the sensors should be mounted; (2) evaluate the use of gas sensors for CO2, CO, NO2 and NO, and the Particle Number Concentration (PNC) monitor to assess their efficiency and performance in a stand-alone situation (by comparing their results with those from reference or at least traceable standard instrumentation) as well as on board of the UAV. The experimental results will be therefore analyzed in depth with the aim of producing a reliable experimental protocol for UAV-based validated data and possibly to set the basis for experimental guidelines in this field. Such research should be undertaken before any UAV system is developed for real world data collection.
Recent Publications
1. Marco Tavani Guido Barbiellini, A Argan, Natalia Auricchio, Alberto R Bernabeo, A Bulgarelli et. al. (2003). The AGILE instrument. Doi: 10.1117/12.461312
2.Bernabeo R A, Bombardi T, Persiani C A, Piancastelli L (2014) An augmented reality interface proposal to improve air transportation safety. Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications. 12(2):79-97.
3.Piancastelli L, Bernabeo R A (2015) Noise reduction and control in DCFS FBW with hardware and digital fuzzy filters. 10(8):3418-3424.