Kolev Nikolay Ivanov
KOLEV, NIKOLAY IVANOV, nuclear engineer, educator; b. Gabrowo, Bulgaria, Aug.1, 1951; s. Ivan Kolev and Zanka Todorova (Dankova) I.; m. Sonja Georgieva Sinovieva, Aug. 3, 1975; childern: Raliza, Iva. Diplom Ingeneur, Techn. U., Dresden, Germany, 1977, Dr. of Engring., 1978; Dr. of Sci. Academy of Sci., Sofia, Bulgaria, 1988, Scientist Acad. of Sci., Sofia, 1978, 84, 87, sr. scientists, 1988-89; vis. scientist Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe, Germany, 1984-86, vis. prof., 1990-91; sr. rschr., team manager Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany, 1992-97,97-2003; Senior Expert AREVA, 2003-2009, Head of reactor technology evaluation Siemens, 2009-2011; Head of technology and simulation Siemens, since 2011; mem. coun. for sci. promotion Ministry of Sci., Sofia, 1988-90; mem. sci. con. on nuclear inst. Acad. of Sci., Sofia, 1988-90. Author: Transient Two Phase Flow, 1986; Multi-Phase Flow Dynamics, Vol. 1 Fundamentals, Vol. 2 Mechanical Interactions, Springer, Vol. 3 Thermal Interactions, Springer, 1th ed. 2002, 2d ed. 2004; 3d ed. 2007, 4th ed. 2011; vol. 1-5th ed. 2015, Vol. 4 Turbulence, gas absorption and release, diesel fuel properties, 1th ed.2007, 2nd ed. 2011; Vol. 5 Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics, 1th ed. 2009, 2nd ed. 2011, 3th ed. 2015, contrbr. to more the 300 articles to profl. jours. and conferences. Recipient Alexander von Humboldt award, Bonn, Germany, 1984-86, Masuda award Kobe (Japan) U., 1990. Orthodox Religion. Avocations: painting, history, guitar playing. Office: Siemens, Freyeslebenstr. 1, 91058 Erlangen Germany.
Research Interest
3D multi-phase non-equilibrium three fluid non-homogeneous non-equilibrium flow, two-phase gas-plasma multi-component hydrogen detonation in pipe-network