Wing Ng
Virginia Polytechnic Institute And State University
Wing Ng has over thirty-five years of experience working in fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and aero-acoustics of gas turbine engines and aeropropulsion. He and his research team have pioneered some of the applications of active flow and noise control in turbine engines. He has given many invited lectures on his research, both in the US and abroad. Wing Ng has directed about one hundred PhD dissertations and masters’ theses. Three of his doctoral students have received national society awards for their research. Combining his funding from VaTech and Techsburg, he has received in excess of $60 million for research from industries (Rolls-Royce, Pratt & Whitney, General Electric, Siemens, Honeywell, Solarturbines, Northrop-Grumman…etc) and government agencies (NASA, DoD, DOE…etc). Dr. Ng has over 250 publications in the areas of propulsion and gas turbines.
Research Interest
•Fluid mechanics •Heat transfer •Aero-acoustics of gas turbine engines •Aeropropulsion