T Pyragiene
Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, Lithuania
Tatjana Pyragiene takes part in the investigation of the phenomenon of anticipating chaotic synchronization from 2008 till now. In our paper, Phys. Rev. E (2008) 78: 046217 , a new coupling scheme is proposed which solves one of the main problems of dynamics prediction - to enlarge the prediction time. In this scheme, a response system possesses a time-delay term which causes a lot of difficulties in the analysis and implementation of the method. Then, applying approximated mathematical methods, simple effective coupling schemes are constructed . They provide an approximated dynamics prediction which is good enough for many applications. For example, for neuron systems, only spikes prediction is important as is shown in our paper, Nonlinear Dyn (2013) 74:297. Recently proposed coupling schemes are described in this report.
Abstract : Anticipating of chaotic dynamics via schemes without time-delay terms