Ronald MC So received his BSc (Hons) from The University of Hong Kong in 1962, and was awarded a Commonwealth scholarship to study at McGill University in 1964 where he received his MEng in 1966. He then went to the US and received his MA and PhD in Aerospace and Mechanical Sciences from Princeton University in 1968 and 1971, respectively. He joined Union Camp Corporation in 1970 working on pulp and paper research. Shortly thereafter, he joined Rutgers University first as a Post-Doctoral Fellow and then as a Research Assistant Professor in 1972 to work on problems related to atmospheric dispersion and pollution. He left Rutgers to join General Electric Research and Development Centre (GE R&D) in 1976 to work on research and development in the areas of propulsion and power generation. In 1981, he left GE R&D to become an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Arizona State University (ASU). The following year he was promoted to Professor and remained there until 1996 when he took a two-year leave of absence to head the Mechanical Engineering Department at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (HK PolyU). Since 1998, he has resigned from ASU to become Head of ME at HK PolyU. He retired from the Headship on 1 July 2005 but remained as Chair Professor until 1 July 2006. He was installed ashe has resigned from ASU to become Head of ME at HK PolyU. He retired from the Headship on 1 July 2005 but remained as Chair Professor until 1 July 2006. He was installed ashe has resigned from ASU to become Head of ME at HK PolyU. He retired from the Headship on 1 July 2005 but remained as Chair Professor until 1 July 2006. He was installed as Emeritus Professor of the University after retiring from Mechanical Engineering. Since 2008, he has been serving as Visiting Chair Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department and the Building Services Engineering Department.
Research Interest
•Turbulence modelling •Fluid-structure interaction •Flow-induced vibration •Direct aeroacoustics simulation •Lattice Boltzmann-type equation

Dimitris Drikakis
University of Starthclyde, Glasgow
United Kingdom
Professor Dr. Dimitris Drikakis is Professor of Engineering Science, Executive Director of the Strathclyde Space Institute and Executive Director of Global University Partnerships at the University of Starthclyde, Glasgow, UK. Prior to his present positions, he was the Executive Dean (Engineering) and Associate Principal and at the University of Strathclyde, (till June 2017) and Head of Aerospace Sciences and Professor of Fluid Mechanics & Computational Science at Cranfield University (2003-2015). His expertise is in computational fluid dynamics (CFD), fluid mechanics (particularly compressible flows), and micro/nanoscale processes at fluid-solid interfaces. He has been active in both fundamental and applied research across a diverse spectrum of aerospace and mechanical engineering applications. His work has directly influenced areas as diverse as improved understanding of complex aerodynamic flows, compressible turbulent mixing in inertial confinement fusion, and novel gas filtration nanotechnologies based on carbon nanotubes. He has received: 1) The William Penney Fellowship Award (twice in 2008 and 2011) by the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE Plc) in recognition of his contributions to compressible fluid dynamics. 2) The Innovator of the Year Award (2014) by the Innovation Institute for a new generation carbon capture technology that uses carbon nanotubes for filtering out carbon dioxide and other gases at low or zero energy cost. 3) The Technical Achievement Award at the International Conference on Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Aerospace and Sciences. To date, he has co-authored two books in the field of computational fluid dynamics and has published about 400 papers/book chapters in the above technical areas.
Research Interest
Fluid mechanics, Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and Nanotechnology (fluid/material interface)
Professor McAndrew has been working and researching in several universities for over 27 years and supervising PhD students since the late 1990s. He is a Conference Chair on several International Conferences and is frequently asked to deliver Keynote speeches every year all over the world. He is also the Editor of two international journals, associate editor for several more and have 57 peer reviewed journals and conference papers. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society and Associate Dean of Research for Embry Riddle Aeronautical University.
Research Interest
•Aerodynamics •Reliability in Design •Quality •Research planning